Your full legal name (even if not currently in use). Name:
Alias, handle or nickname most commonly used. Alias: Company or organization you have most recently worked for. Check the box if still employed. Company/Organization: Currently employed by the above company/organization.
Personal Contact Number you can be reached at. PCN:
E-mail address. Sorry, no addresses accepted. E-mail:
Physical address we can pick you up from. Address: Zip-number and post office:
Other organizations you are affiliated with: GUGES PanMa SS Fuhro MechaZone Fuhro Presidential Guard Communists of Congo Trans-Orbital Kosmo Valhalla Sons of Sand Other, please specify:
Military Humane Sciences Technical Natural Sciences Other, please specify:
Panzer Pilot Demolitions Sabotage Panzer Mechanic Political Agitation Assassination Bullet Shield Other, please specify:
Personal Assets: Monthly Pay: Close relatives to inherit the above.
To place you in a capacity most suited to your abilities, we would like you to answer the questions below:
None requested Peanuts Food and shelter Peace, love and understanding Therapy sessions Girl/boyfriend Real money, about this much:
Home T/O-1 Earth, dirtside Earth, L-stations Moon PanMa Fuhro Mercury Asteroid belt Other, please specify:
Please enter the URL where we can check your picture:
High Martians Ianita PanzerWerk Classical (Sex Pistols, Bananarama etc.) Techno (300bps modems, random binary files etc.) Anything TransOrbital puts out Other, please specify:
Please double-check all entries before submitting you application form.
Your application will be reviewed by the AUEG high command and you will be notified of the results. Expect to be contacted in 4-8 weeks, 8-12 weeks during interplanetary holidays.
Maintained by Mikko Kurki-Suonio Last updated 18-FEB-96 Resurrected 19-AUG-03
This web page is part of the MechaZone 223 page.