AEUG's new goals are listed here for reference, in no particular order.
Sons of Sand is too weak to hold a real fight against PanMa funded mercenaries. They need equipment, training, bases etc. AEUG needs a military strike arm to carry out its policies.
Draw Sons of Sand closer to AEUG organization. Supply and train them to effectively fight Zoners. Establish an AEUG military strike arm.
Negotiate with Sons of Sand. Replace unfavorable leaders. Contact interplanetary arms smugglers for supply routes. Contact mercenaries for training.
King Deram's claim to the throne is shaky at best. Already PanMa sponsored agitators claim the DNA sample was forged. The people need a simple figurehead to attach to, Deram needs a concrete link to the House of Hashaquiel.
As Dram is irrevocably dead, we need to find Deram's mother and present her to the people and media.
Question Deram. Question close associates of Dram. Judging from Deram's age, it is highly likely the mother served at MZ223. Search through Fuhro public records for the birth. Manufacture evidence if necessary.
AEUG needs allies and political recognition. So does Kosmo Valhalla. AEUG also needs funds and a favorable population base.
Negotiate alliance with Kosmo Valhalla.
Diplomacy. Base arguments on mutual benefits of such an alliance. Offer in-system information and networks for economic and military power.
PanMa is still too stable, despite what happened to Deimos. They can and probably will weather Fuhro's uprising. PanMa goverment is entrenched very deep and extremely stable. Loss of that stability might affect their ability to direct resources for a fight against AEUG and Fuhro.
Create civil unrest in PanMa. Disorganize PanMa government.
Agitate students. Form demonstrations and riots. Assassinate top government officials. Use untraceable freelance assassins. Sabotage military and industrial targets. Provoke rebellion on Mercury.
Branch leader Eric Takada was assassinated, throwing his branch into disarray. Members are forming splinter factions and wandering off. AUEG can not lose any more members. Security of the organization must not be compromised.
Reform Takada Branch. Find Takada's assassin.
Natural selection. One of Takada's subleaders must take charge and contact other such leaders. Purge questionable elements. High command will then re-establish communication links.
Maintained by Mikko Kurki-Suonio