
Welcome to the Jazzman archives. Here you will find a great variety of material Jazzman has collected and selected for public display. The selection you see has been automatically filtered to contain only the references suitable for your needs. Please, do not try to circumvent this filtering by logging in from another site or account. It only serves to increase hard disk crashes in your system.

The Jazzman Helpline is also ready for you. See below for more information.

Thought for the day

No greater love
than a mother
feels for her child.

Jazzman Files

Your personal selection of Jazzman files available:

More files will be added as you need them.

Jazzman Helpline

You may try to contact Jazzman personally. However, please note that he is extremely busy and that you may not have the necessary qualifications for receiving aid from the Jazzman Helpline. Contrary to popular disbelief, randomly e-mailing net.shops will not connect you to the Jazzman Helpline.


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/ / / / / /

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Maintained and copyright by Mikko Kurki-Suonio
...or so he claims. We know who really maintains this page, don't we?
Last updated 18-FEB-96
Resurrected 19-AUG-03
This web page is part of the MechaZone 223 page.